(儲存、模擬和支援包)Cloanto Amiga Forever 2013.0.1.0 Plus Edition



* Amiga的硬體模擬(容許您運行Amiga的軟體在您的PC *)
*其他模擬和磁碟機(RTG,SCSI,TCP / IP,AHI,CDTV,CD32等)
* Amiga的資源管理器和Amiga的檔案資料的共享框架

*操作系統:視窗2000,視窗XP(SP2或更高版本),Windows Server 2003中,Windows Vista中的Windows Server 2008(R2)中,Windows 7
* CPU:750兆赫(推薦1 GHz)
*記憶體:512 MB(推薦1 GB)
*硬碟:400 MB可用空間
*的DirectX 8.0或更高版本
觀眾:7 +(描繪暴力)

* DVD區功能變數:0(所有區功能變數)

現在,所有的Windows版本都使用Windows Installer下載(無需燃燒或裝入一個ISO映像,進入安裝,或等待郵政快遞)。
WinFellow現在可以作為一個額外的啟用RetroPlatform的模擬外掛程式。您可以點擊任何相容標題選取「播放/ WinFellow」,或選取「外掛程式在Amiga永遠模擬設定優先級和附加選項。

【文章標題】: (儲存、模擬和支援包)Cloanto Amiga Forever 2013.0.1.0 Plus Edition
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: [email protected]
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Cloanto Amiga Forever 2013.0.1.0 Plus Edition

Amiga Forever is the award-winning Amiga preservation, emulation and support package brought to you by Cloanto, Amiga developers since 1986. This Premium Edition blends high-quality software and original content with the ultimate set of videos to chronicle and let you experience firsthand the history, culture, challenges and passion behind the Amiga.

Features include:
* Emulation of Amiga hardware (allows you to run Amiga software on your PC*)
* Original ROM and OS files (all Workbench versions from 0.7 to 3.X)
* Additional emulation and drivers (RTG, SCSI, TCP/IP, AHI, CDTV, CD32, etc.)
* Preconfigured WinUAE and WinFellow emulation engines with auto-updates**
* Preinstalled games, demos and applications (web browser, paint, etc.)
* Support for thousands of downloadable Amiga games, demos and applications**
* Amiga Explorer and Amiga Files data sharing framework
* Optionally-bootable CD, based on KX Light (boots your PC into Workbench)***
* More than five hours of "must-see" Amiga videos (two dual-layer DVDs)
* Special features and gallery of items of historical interest
* Much, much more…

System Requirements (Windows Software):
* Operating system: Windows 2000, Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 (R2), Windows 7
* CPU: 750 MHz (1 GHz recommended)
* RAM: 512 MB (1 GB recommended)
* Hard disk: 400 MB free
* Video: high color or true color
* Sound: optional
* DirectX: 8.0 or higher
* Audiences: 7+ (depictions of violence)

* Media: DVD-9 x 2
* DVD region: 0 (all regions)
* Video system: NTSC (compatible with most PAL players)
* Aspect ratio: 4:3 (videos respect original format)
* Audio: English stereo, English mono
* Subtitles: English, Italian
* Special features: interactive menus, scene access
* Audiences: PG (infrequent bad language, use of alcohol)

New features in Amiga Forever 2013*:
All Windows versions now come with a Windows Installer download (no need to burn or mount an ISO image to access the installer, or to wait for postal delivery).
New Build Image feature (Tools menu of Plus Edition), to create personalized ISO images (burn to CD or DVD) and portable environments (e.g. to run from USB storage). This is similar to the "old" Amiga Forever media, except that the content can now be updated and customized.
Support for third-party "RP-Image" templates, to generate bootable content, etc. Documentation is available.
New Restore System Files feature (Tools menu) to reset shared components (Amiga ROM and OS files, system RP9s, etc.)
New RP9 thumbnail provider for Windows is pure eye candy. This accompanies new and faster Open, Edit and Convert to RP9 commands accessible directly from File Explorer, to offer a better content experience outside the player.
New visual Screen Clip Editor, for easy adjustment of Amiga screen mode settings.
WinFellow is now available as an additional RetroPlatform-enabled emulation plugin. You can click any compatible title and select "Play with/WinFellow", or select plugin priority and additional options in the Amiga Forever Emulation settings.
Updated AROS and other content.
Enhanced RP9 Editor, with new media mount options and dozens of new features.
Integration with social networks for "Now Playing" updates, manual posts and screenshot uploads

(儲存、模擬和支援包)Cloanto Amiga Forever 2013.0.1.0
lus Edition | Homepage: www.amigaforever.com

(儲存、模擬和支援包)Cloanto Amiga Forever 2013.0.1.0 Plus Edition| Size: 577.2 MB
