【互動式網站設計】Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2018 v18.0.0.10136 中文正式版

Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2018 互動式網站設計。真正快速無比。
Dreamweaver CC 提供更快速簡單的方法來設計、撰寫程式碼以及發佈網站與網路應用程式,使其在任何大小的螢幕上都能完美呈現。

Adobe Dreamweaver CC是Creative Cloud™的一部分。這意味著您可以在所有最新的更新和未來版本可用的時候訪問。
通過豐富且不斷增長的培訓視訊庫,提高您的技能並掌握新工具。 Creative Cloud與Behance整合,您可以分享您的項目,並從世界各地的廣告素材獲得即時反饋。

存取程式碼提示,即可快速了解 HTML、CSS 和其他 Web 標準。使用視覺輔助來減少錯誤並加速網站開發。




從任何一台電腦登入到Creative Cloud並訪問您的檔案,設定和網站定義。無論您身在何處,無論何時,無論何時您需要,您都可以掌握所需的所有工作。

帶來表達文字的黨。使用由AdobeTypekitR提供支援的廣泛且不斷增長的Adobe Edge Web字型庫。從Dreamweaver和Edge工具中加入網頁字型。在建立加載速度超快的頁面時,加入更多控件的精美風格的排版。


jQuery UI小部件
拋棄乏味的按鈕和通用圖示。拖放jQuery UI小部件。加入手風琴來顯示可折疊的內容面板。更新所有按鈕狀態以自訂您的搬移應用程式和介面。

【互動式網站設計】Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2018 v18.0.0.10136  中文正式版

Adobe Dreamweaver CC is part of Creative Cloud™. That means you have access to all the latest updates and future releases the moment they're available. Sharpen your skills and master new tools with a rich and growing library of training videos. And Creative Cloud is integrated with Behance, so you can share your projects and get immediate feedback from creatives around the world.

CSS Designer
Intuitive visual editing tools help you generate clean, web-standard code and quickly apply CSS properties like gradients and box shadows. See the effect in your design immediately. No more tedious tweaking. No more switching back to the code. What you see is what you get.

Fluid Grid Layout
Construct web designs and responsive layouts visually. The enhanced Fluid Grid Layout interface makes it a cinch to design projects that display on different screen sizes for desktop and devices.

Sync Settings
Log in to Creative Cloud from any computer and access your files, settings, and site definitions. You have everything you need to work on your web projects, whenever you need it, wherever you are.

Edge Web Fonts
Bring expressive text to the party. Use the vast and ever-growing Adobe Edge Web Fonts Library, powered by Adobe Typekit®. Add web fonts from within Dreamweaver and Edge tools. Add beautifully styled typography with more control while creating pages that load super quickly.

Modern platform support
Author projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Develop dynamic pages in PHP. Code more efficiently using the improved code hinting and syntax coloring.

jQuery UI widgets
Banish boring buttons and generic icons. Drag and drop jQuery UI widgets. Add accordions to display collapsible content panels. Update all the button states to customize your mobile apps and interfaces.