電腦輔助設計 Megatech MegaCAD 3D / 2D 2014 版

這是一個新穎、穩定、整合 3D 的全功能 2D 模型繪圖系統。

如果你正製作 3D 模型,或是繪製 2D 設計,所有操作會自動傳遞至下一維度。

二維和三維規劃的Megatech MegaCAD 3D / 2D是在用不同的應用範圍廣泛的中型公司,設計師需要一個務實和靈活的設計軟體明確易於使用。

電腦輔助設計 Megatech MegaCAD 3D / 2D 2014 版












除了直接的資料交換與超過170個,填寫則一樣,都是基於ACIS的CAD / CAM應用


MegaCAD 是一套功能優良的電腦輔助設計軟體,該軟體由德國 Megatech Software
BMGH公司研製開發,MegaCAD提供圖示(ICON)選單、滑鼠操作、支援 DOS、Windows
、Windows NT、LAN、UNIX 及各種列印機、繪圖儀和顯示器等硬體、記憶體佔640K
MegaCAD 提供 Meofig 模組,供使用者定義自己的快速鍵,MegaCAD 所有指令都可

MegaCAD 提供 47 種尺寸標註方法,既可標註機械尺寸,又可標註建築圖紙尺寸。
MegaCAD 特別提供3D 功能,可以有四種投影模式,可任意定義視角。利用MegaCAD

MegaCAD 提供巨集的功能,使用者無需程式編輯,依舊能夠做圖庫,所見即所得,而且 MegaCAD 的巨集用圖示(ICON) 表示,使用者可將已有圖形的全部或部分當成巨集分門另類地加以儲存,供隨時呼叫,表示巨集的檔案名可以有32個字長,足以表達零件的字特徵。用 MegaCAD提供的零件自動產生功能,可自動搜尋本裝配圖所有零件並統計數量,以每個零件的資料庫中自動提取文字訊息填入定義好的格式中。

MegaCAD 被內含建築業、製造業、繪圖、造船業和土木專案等在內的多種行業的設計部門採用。

Especially in medium-sized companies with a wide range of diverse applications, the designer needs a practical and flexible design software, which is clear and easy to use. In MegaCAD the advantages of the parametric history-based modeling with the user-friendliness of the history-direct Modellieransatzes be combined. The designer is completely free in its operation. He is not forced to define parametric drawing objects to. He determines whether to feature-based 3D models directly, or want to model-based parametric 2D sketches. MegaCAD 3D is the ideal synthesis of an innovative solid and surface modeling system and a full-feature 2D drafting program. If you are developing your model in 3D or if you are drawing a 2D design, each step will automatically be transferred from one dimension into the other one.

Megatech MegaCAD 3D:
– die 4 dimensionale Freiheit
Direktes modellieren, wahlweise Parametrisches Modellieren (auch nur teilweise oder auch nachtraglich sinnvolle Teilbereiche parametrisierbar), featurebasiertes Modellieren, skizzenbasiertes Modellieren.

– 2D und 3D Programm:
Vollwertiges Zeichenwerkzeug zur eigenstandigen 2D Konstruktion, 2D Zeichnungen werden in 3D Modelle uberfuhrt und visualisiert, durchgangige Bedienphilosophie (der 3D Modus baut auf den vertrauten 2D Funktionen auf), Flachen und Volumen (Hybrid) Modellierer.

Regelkorper werden direkt, d.h. auch ohne 2D Skizze generiert und per Mausklick modifiziert, auch Bohrungen und Rundungen konnen so ohne Umwege uber Menus geandert werden.

MegaCAD 3D is the ideal synthesis of an innovative solid and surface modeling system and a full-feature 2D drafting program. If you are developing your model in 3D or if you are drawing a 2D design, each step will automatically be transferred from one dimension into the other one.

In MegaCAD 3D, the user has a powerful solid modeling system. In addition, any designs can be wholly or partly implemented in the surface modeler. Because they share a common data structure, the two forms of model can be combined. This makes it possible, for example, to trim a solid object with a complex free-form surface, to give the solid a new shape. Conversely, the surface of a solid body can be isolated as a separate surface.

Innovative technologies
MegaCAD 3D provides very fast algorithms for the shaded display of surfaces and solids, and to remove hidden lines from the display. The designer can work directly in this ‘hidden lines removed’ mode. Unlike when working with other systems, where the user has to invoke the hidden line calculation repeatedly after each drawing task, the MegaCAD operator always has a clear overview, even with larger drawings.

Flexible tree structure enhanced by local operations
MegaCAD saves all operations in a tree-like structure, a so-called ‘feature tree’. The sequence in which procedures are applied can later be changed in any required way, leading to automatic recalculation of the component concerned. However, such a recalculation is not always necessary. Many changes can be restricted to local operations, applied directly to the component to be edited.

Object-oriented parametric
MegaCAD 3D provides for parametric objects. A simple mouse click can be used to assign new dimensions to any of the basic mathematical objects, such as spheres, cubes, cylinders, etc. Solid objects which are connected to the object which has been changed can, if required, be adjusted automatically.

This parametric approach extends to prismatic extrusion objects and sweep objects along a (curved) line in space. 2D drawings produced using MegaCAD can be parameterized in whole or in part, with any dimensions which are not defined being automatically regarded as constant. Geometric dependencies are also taken into account. If such a solid forms the base of an extrusion solid, then the latter is also recalculated.

Variable blends / rounding
The enhanced blending function allows the edges of solids to be rounded with a variable radius, and for this radius to be later altered locally or removed.

Thin wall objects
The shelling function is used to generate automatically a thin-walled shell from a full solid. It is possible in the same operation to remove one or more closing surfaces from the shell. This function is not limited simply to regular objects, but can also be applied to solids whose surfaces have been formed by trimming against a freeform surface.

Full-featured 2D drafting program
While other CAD programs lay emphasis on editing the 3D model, and only offer rudimentary 2D processing functions, MegaCAD can here show off its full strength. In MegaCAD 3D, all the drawing tools of the current version of MegaCAD 2D are available for further editing work on two-dimensional drawings derived from the 3D model.

Integrated working in 2D and 3D
MegaCAD allows 2D drawings and 3D models to be worked on in an integrated way. Any required 2D views can be produced from a 3D model, and if the latter is amended the 2D views can, if required, be automatically updated.
If desired, two-dimensional views can be used to generate a 3D solid object with no further work by the user.

Data interchange
Apart from direct data interchange with the over 170 CAD/CAM applications which, like MegaCAD, are based on ACIS, MegaCAD permits data to be imported and exported through fully-developed interfaces (HPGL, DXF, DWG , WMF, CDL, IGES , STEP, VDAFS and SAT).

Relational Assembly parts
MegaCAD provides a fully relational link between the assembly drawing and the associated parts. Parts can be integrated into an assembly drawing relative to the absolute coordinate system or relative to other parts or elements of the assembly. As an example, if an original component part is modified, the changes will be reflected in the assembly drawing and if a component part is changed in the assembly drawing, this will be reflected in the orthographic drawing. This bi-directional association serves to reduce errors, improve quality, accelerate manufacturing cycles and ultimately cut costs.

電腦輔助設計 Megatech MegaCAD 3D / 2D 2014 版 Homepage: www.megatech.de
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