【建立圖表.流程圖設計工具】 Axure RP Pro Team Enterprise v9.0.0.3658 中文化版

Axure RP 是美國 Axure Software Solution公司旗艦產品,是一個專業的快速原型設計工具
Axure RP 讓負責定義需求和規格、設計功能和介面的專家能夠快速建立應用軟體或Web網站的線框圖、流程圖、原型和規格說明文件。
作為專門的原型設計工具,它比一般建立靜態原型的工具如Visio、Omnigraffle、Illustrator、Photoshop、Dreamweaver、Visual Studio、FireWorks要快速、高效。

Axure RP
Axure RP 是規劃,原型設計和交付給開發人員的最強大的模式,這就是專業人士選取Axure RP的原因,無論您是建立圖表,客戶旅程還是線框
Axure RP都可以說明您記錄問題並讓每個人都在同一頁面上,使用原型來測試設計並與其他人進行驗證對於做出更好的設計決策是非常寶貴的。
Axure RP可讓您快速製作豐富的功能原型,以便即使在最緊急的項目中也能做出明智的選取。
Axure RP將強大的設計工具,SVG匯入和Sketch整合與世界一流的原型設計相結合,讓您可以為利益關聯者和客戶帶來驚喜。
易於理解的規範使開發人員能夠提供與設計相符合的產品。將Axure RP檔案發佈到Axure Cloud,並提供完整的圖片,內含文件,原型和可視化設計

Axure RP(全稱:Axure Rapid Prototyping)是一款專業,快速,高效的交談式產品原型設計師。

作為專業的原型設計工具,Axure RP可以快速高效地構建大多數原型,同時支援合作設計和版本控制與管理。

事實上,Axure RP已被世界上一些大公司使用。
此外,軟體架構師和應用程式開發專案師也可能需要Axure RP。

Axure RP 軟體功能特性:






內建 Font Awesome 圖示,可拖曳大小和設定填充彩色。





【建立圖表.流程圖設計工具】 Axure RP Pro Team Enterprise v9.0.0.3658 網址:

Axure RP (full name: Axure Rapid Prototyping) is a professional, fast and very efficient interactive product prototype designer. It enables you to quickly create a complete product prototype that combines notations, descriptions, flow charts, wireframes, and many other elements. Thereby, you can completely and clearly express your products to all aspects of designers, and then constantly perfect it in later discussions and collaborations between multiple different departments.

As a professional prototyping tool, Axure RP can fast and efficiently build most prototypes, and at the same time it supports collaboration design and version control & management. Its visual working environment allows you to easily create annotated wireframes with mouse clicks in no time. Without coding skills required, you are able to define simple connections and advanced interactions on diagrams. Again, on the basis of diagrams, it is capable of automatically generating the HTML prototypes along with the word format of specifications.

High-quality product prototypes can be very helpful for the customer to do a test or make a final decision. In fact, Axure RP has been used by some big companies in the world. Its users mainly include: business analysts, information architects, usability experts, product managers, IT consultants, user experience designers, interaction designers, user interface designers, etc. In addition, software architects and application development engineers may need Axure RP too.

Axure for Enterprise
Creating customer-winning digital products consistently and efficiently requires the combined strengths of business, design, and technology teams.
Documentation and Specification Create process flows, product teardowns, and visual specifications with Axure RP.
Functional Prototyping Use Axure RP to build and test rich, functional prototypes before development begins.
Design Prototyping Quickly create animated, screen-based prototypes from images or Sketch artboards on Axure Cloud.
Co-authoring Axure RP and Axure Cloud enable multiple people to work on the same project at the same time.
Shared Assets With Axure RP, create and share libraries of interactive components, and import assets from Sketch.
Developer Handoff Publish designs from RP and Sketch to Axure Cloud for automatic redlines plus CSS and image export.

Axure Cloud for Business

Axure Cloud helps cross-functional teams work together and deliver better digital products. Publish user stories and customer journeys so everyone understands the goal. Host Axure RP prototypes for user testing to ensure the problem is solved. Share design assets from Sketch for review and handoff. With Axure Cloud for Business, you can manage accounts and permissions on our servers or yours.