【自適應.互動.網頁設計.HTML5 網站】Adobe Muse CC 2018.0.0.685 x64 官方正式版


有了 Adobe Muse CC,每當新功能一發佈,您就能立即存取。
使用Adobe Muse CC 建立可動態縮放以配合任何裝置的精美HTML5 網站— 不需要撰寫程式碼。

Adobe Muse CC是Creative Cloud™的一部分。這意味著您可以在所有最新的更新和未來版本可用的時候訪問。
您還可以獲得20GB的雲存儲備份和共享。 Creative Cloud與BehanceR整合,因此您可以共享您的項目,並從世界各地的廣告素材獲得即時反饋。

互動式投影片、表單和合成影片 Widget
投影片、表單和合成影片 Widget 現在具有互動功能。這表示 Widget 中的內容會隨螢幕尺寸自動調整大小。




從數百種字型中進行選取,內含由AdobeTypekitR服務託管的Adobe Edge Web字型,網頁安全字型和系統字型。

拖放可將自訂導航,幻燈片,聯繫表單等新增到您的網站。所有Adobe Muse CC交談式小部件都為搬移裝置啟用觸摸。

無需編寫代碼,即可將Google地圖,YouTube視訊,Facebook供稿,HTML5動畫檔案等新增到您的網站。只需將原始碼複製並貼上到您的頁面,Adobe Muse CC就可以完成其餘的工作。

只需點擊幾下滑鼠,即可建立令人驚嘆的效果 – 卷動時,圖像和元素會以不同的速度以不同的速度搬移。


Adobe Muse是專門為設計師設計的,所以您可以像在Photoshop和Illustrator中一樣自由創作。不要被普通的響應式網頁設計程式所束縛。


Adobe Muse自動生成符合現代瀏覽器,平台和裝置不斷發展的標準的代碼。你的設計將顯示你想要在不同的螢幕上。通過完全控制使用者看到的內容,您可以顯示或隱藏基於裝置的內容。把其餘的留給Adobe Muse。

網際網路是開放的,並不斷發展。借助1200多個社區建立的小部件,專業開發的延伸以及背景視訊,卷動效果和動畫過渡等功能,Adobe Muse可以輕鬆建立與當今最熱門網站一樣強大的網站。

站在您的網站與股東分享。將其發佈到第三方託管服務提供商或Adobe Web Hosting。無論何時您更新您的網站,Adobe Muse智慧地上傳您的變更,生成新的網站地圖,以說明您的搜尋引擎改善。

幻燈片,表單和合成小部件現在可以響應 – 內容會隨著螢幕大小的變化而最適列高大小。






【自適應.互動.網頁設計.HTML5 網站】Adobe Muse CC 2018.0.0.685 x64 官方正式版

Adobe Muse CC is part of Creative Cloud™. That means you have access to all the latest updates and future releases the moment they're available. You also get 20GB of cloud storage for backup and sharing. And Creative Cloud is integrated with Behance®, so you can share your projects and get immediate feedback from creatives around the world.

Simple site planning
Lay out your site visually. Add, name, and arrange pages in your sitemap and apply master page settings with just a few clicks. Drag and drop to reorder pages.

Intuitive design features
Use the new Layers panel to control elements of your design. Design with familiar Adobe tools like the Eyedropper, Smart Guides, Paste in Place, and Edit Original.

Hundreds of fonts
Choose from hundreds of typefaces, including Adobe Edge Web Fonts hosted by the Adobe Typekit® service, web-safe fonts, and system fonts.

Engaging interactivity
Drag and drop to add custom navigation, slide shows, contact forms, and more to your websites. All of the Adobe Muse CC interactive widgets are touch-enabled for mobile devices.

Embedded HTML
Add Google Maps, YouTube videos, Facebook feeds, HTML5 animation files, and more to your sites without writing code. Just copy and paste source code into your page and Adobe Muse CC does the rest.

Parallax scrolling
Create stunning effects with just a few mouse clicks — make images and elements move in different directions at different speeds when scrolling.

All the creativity. None of the coding
Get the creative freedom, tools, and widgets you need to make robust, responsive websites.

An unlimited canvas for unlimited creativity
Adobe Muse was made specifically for designers, so you can create as freely as you do in Photoshop and Illustrator. Don't get boxed in by the constraints of common responsive web design programs.

Not a coder? Not a problem
Adobe Muse automatically generates code that meets the evolving standards for modern browsers, platforms, and devices. Your design will appear how you want it on different screens. With complete control over what your users see, you can show or hide content based on device. Leave the rest to Adobe Muse.

World wide widgets
The Internet is open and constantly evolving. With a library of over 1200 community-created widgets, professionally-developed extensions, and features like background video, scrolling effects, and animated transitions, Adobe Muse makes it easy to create websites as robust as today’s hottest sites.

Pain-free publishing
Stage your website to share with stakeholders. Publish it to a third-party hosting provider or to Adobe Web Hosting. Any time you update your site, Adobe Muse intelligently uploads your changes, generating new site maps to help your SEO.

New responsive widgets
The Slideshow, Form, and Composition widgets are now responsive — content automatically resizes as the screen size changes.

Vertical Move handles
Move and position objects in your responsive page as a group. Drag the handle to move the selected object and objects below it.

Simple selection
Select a specific element from a widget or grouping hierarchy without having to click through multiple levels.

Animated transitions
Add animated transitions and engaging scroll effects, make design elements fade in or out, and more.

Performance and stability improvements
Get more stability and better performance when opening, saving, and publishing files.