【視訊美容盒】高速影片人像皮膚修飾 Digital Anarchy Beauty Box Video v4.2.0(for Adobe After Effectand and Adobe Premiere Pro)

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【視訊美容盒】Digital Anarchy Beauty Box Video v4.2支援: Adobe After Effectand and Adobe Premiere Pro 編輯

我們的After Effects,Final Cut Pro,Premiere Pro和OpenFX應用程式的皮膚修飾視訊外掛程式使用起來非常簡單。


Beauty Box Video通過皮膚美化功能讓你的演員和模特擁有難以置信的美容效果。這款視頻外掛程式可以自動地識別皮膚的色調,消除膚色不均勻,以達到完美的美容效果。剪輯師和藝術家再也不需要逐幀修飾演員的面部皮膚。無論是用在電影,音樂錄影帶還是發言人的演說中的頭部特寫,Beauty Box Video都是幫助他們在螢幕上表現出最佳狀態的強大的工具。

Beauty Box操作非常簡單。這種After Dffects和Final Cut Pro外掛程式能夠自動檢測到人臉的皮膚色調,只對圖像中的皮膚部分做平滑修飾的作用。只需要選用適合的篩檢程式選擇要修飾的區域,點擊Analyze Frame按鈕,選擇平滑度,就能夠使皮膚變得光滑。就是如此的簡單!


Beauty Box視訊中的精彩功能:
– 更好的遮蔽:我們現在使用多種算法來確定膚色是什麼。這創造了一個更好的面具,並因此更好地修飾。
– 更快的編譯:完整的皮膚平滑算法重寫意味著ATI和Nvidia顯卡上的美容盒視訊速度提高達300%。
– 光澤去除:去除由光澤皮膚和明亮的燈光引起的熱點!該功能可顯著降低照明條件差的影響。
– 預設樣式:這些現在有數十種預設樣式可以為您的素材加入效果和色彩校正。這是一種非常簡單的模式,可以讓您的鏡頭具有風格化的外觀,無論您只是加入了一點發光或想要「白天到黑夜」的效果。
– 支援Final Cut Pro X:Beauty Box Video現在完全支援Final Cut Pro X以及早期版本的FCP。
– Premiere Pro具有更好的效能:新算法為Premiere Pro帶來了更高的穩定性和速度。
– 同化劃痕和索尼拉斯維加斯:Beauty Box視訊適用於OpenFX主機應用程式,如Sony Vegas Pro,Sony Movie Studio和Assimilate Scratch現已發佈!

【視訊美容盒】Digital Anarchy Beauty Box Video v4.2.0 網址:

Beauty Box Video is the makeup artist who you don't have the time or budget to afford. Our skin retouching video plugin for After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro and OpenFX applications is simple to use. This video effects software saves hours of your production time while making your client look years younger.

Great features in Beauty Box Video:
– Better Masking: We're now using multiple algorithms to determine what the skin tone is. This creates a much better mask, and better retouching as a result.
– Faster Rendering: A complete rewrite of the skin smoothing algorithm means Beauty Box Video is up to 300% faster on ATI and Nvidia cards.
– Shine Removal: Get rid of hot spots caused by shiny skin and bright lights! This feature dramatically reduces the effect of poor lighting conditions.
– Preset Styles: These now dozens of presets Styles to add effects and color corrections to your footage. It's a very easy way of giving your footage a stylized look, whether you're just adding a bit of glow or want a 'day to night' effect.
– Support for Final Cut Pro X: Beauty Box Video now fully supports Final Cut Pro X, along with earlier versions of FCP.
– Better Performance in Premiere Pro: The new algorithm brings improved stability and speed in Premiere Pro.
– Assimilate Scratch and Sony Vegas: Beauty Box Video for OpenFX host apps like Sony Vegas Pro, Sony Movie Studio, and Assimilate Scratch are available now! Other OpenFX apps will be officially supported soon.