【3D動畫設計編輯】Aurora 3D Animation Maker v16 標題.橫幅設計師或視訊編輯 中文版

Aurora 3D Animation Maker v16

Aurora 3D Animation Maker是一款專業應用程式,可讓您建立獨特的3D動畫。

當我們做標題,橫幅設計師或視訊編輯時,它會認為文字需要一個很酷的動畫來突出描述我們的內容。或是我們需要在視訊中顯示徽標,然後,一個簡單易用的3D動畫軟體是您最好的助手。 KeyFrame動畫,軟體關鍵幀動畫模式。簡單而靈活。不需要複雜的設計,任何人都可以製作出優秀的3D動畫。

以下是「Aurora 3D動畫製作器」的一些主要功能:
– 軟體關鍵幀動畫模式。簡單而靈活。不需要複雜的設計,任何人都可以製作出優秀的3D動畫。

– 包括Marker3D軟體中的所有效果,有多種動態背景,是製作3D動畫和橫幅的最佳選取。

– 可以製作標誌動畫,廣告,產品促銷等。您還可以匯出Flash,視訊和圖像序列以供網站或其他設計軟體使用。

【3D動畫設計編輯】Aurora 3D Animation Maker v16 標題.橫幅設計師或視訊編輯 網址:


Aurora 3D Animation Maker is a professional application designed to enable you to create unique 3D animations.
When we do title,banner designer or video editing, it will think the text needs a cool animation to highlight the description of our content. Or do we need to show a logo in the video, then, a simple-to-use 3D animation software is your best assistant. KeyFrame Animation, Software key frame animation mode. Simple and flexible. Does not require complex design, anyone person can make a good 3D animation.

Here are some key features of "Aurora 3D Animation Maker":
KeyFrame Animation:
– Software key frame animation mode. Simple and flexible. Does not require complex design, anyone person can make a good 3D animation.

Animation Effects:
– Contains all of effects in Marker3D software, there are a variety of dynamic background, is to produce 3D animation and banner the best choice.

Animation Export:
– Can make logo animation, advertising, product promotion, etc. And you can export Flash, Video and image sequence for web or other design software.

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