照片美容化妝大師Beauty Guide 1.5.2 虛擬化妝軟體

照片美容化妝大師Beauty Guide 1.5.2 虛擬化妝軟體

美容指南 – 讓你運用化妝和糾正化妝品直接在照片上的缺陷。美容指南,你可以讓你的照片看起來甚至比正版更好的!美容指南將幫助你抹口紅,胭脂,眼影,粉線眼皮,改變眼睛的顏色,撫平皺紋,減少浮腫和眼部浮腫;刪除胎記和瑕疵;和漂白牙齒。你可以做這種權利的照片!

 照片美容化妝大師Beauty Guide 1.5.2 虛擬化妝軟體

Beauty Guide – Allows you to apply makeup and corrects cosmetic defects directly on photos. With Beauty Guide you can make your pictures look even better than the originals! Beauty Guide will help you to apply lipstick, rouge, eye shadow, and powder; line eyelids; change eye color; smooth wrinkles; reduce swelling and eye puffiness; delete birthmarks and blemishes; and bleach teeth. You can do all of this right on the photo!

照片美容化妝大師Beauty Guide 1.5.2 虛擬化妝軟體 | Home Page: www.tintguide.com

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

照片美容化妝大師Beauty Guide 1.5.2 虛擬化妝軟體 | Size: 6.8 MB